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Getting Your @#%* Together

Writer's picture: Sharon BryceSharon Bryce

Having read, watched and listened to a lot information about effective goal setting I’d like to share what works well for me. I’ve nutted this out very imperfectly over many years and it has been quite useful for me to sit down and actually write this process out breaking it down into blog-sized chunks. I hope you find it useful too and I am very interested in how you go about planning your life. 

Some people find it easy to work out what they want in life. Others struggle. Sometimes life takes a huge detour and we find ourselves lost and needing to deconstruct and re-evaluate everything. I find it helpful to start by looking at the big picture:

            Where would I like to be in 5 - 10 year’s time? 

If you’ve never done this before why not give it a go. This was a game changer for me.

I spend time dreaming about what my life would look like if it unfolded perfectly? Once I attended a yoga retreat and created a “Vision Board.” It was a poster-sized piece of paper covered with images and words cut out from old magazines that ‘spoke’ to me. Images and words that stood out as representative of the life I want to create. 

I think about my life right now:

            What have I already accomplished?

            What is going well?

I revisit my values:

            What is important to me?

            What do I want out of life?

One activity I found helpful was to write my own eulogy thinking about what I would like people to say about me at my funeral. A little macabre perhaps but helpful.

Answering these questions works out which goals will have the biggest impact in getting me where I want to go.

Next I write down my talents, abilities, skills and resources remembering that resources and skills can include things and people and they tend to evolve with time so need to be revisited every year. 

            Can my talents, abilities, skills and resources help me achieve what I hope for?

Maybe I need to plan to obtain some new skills and resources in order to fulfil my dreams.

Finally I decide for the year ahead:

            What do I want to let go of?

            What do I want to give myself to?

I spell this out by formulating 3 or 4 specific major goals for the year. Any more and I have found I just can’t remember them.  I make them positive statements that focus on success rather than failure. 

Research has found that the most successful people choose goals to reach for rather than problems to be solved. If you tend to set negative goals (eg. stop biting my nails) you can turn these into positive ones by asking yourself the question: 

“What needs to be done?”

I make sure I write my goals down and get some feedback from those I trust. I want them to be challenging but doable and reflective of my values and beliefs. A 2015 study by psychologist, Gail Mathews, found that when people write down their goals they are 33% more likely to achieve them than those who just think about them.

Do you ever set New Year’s resolutions? How do you go about it? What goals and dreams inspire you this year? With 2019 just beginning now is the perfect time to write them down. If you would enjoy doing so, feel free to share in the comment section below. 

In my next blog I get right down to all things planning related. The best way I have found of planning my days, weeks and year to get stuff done.

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2 commentaires

Sharon Bryce
Sharon Bryce
12 févr. 2019

Thanks Amelia for taking the time to comment. So glad my experiences helped you. Good on you for setting some goals. This blog is part of a series on how to achieve them. You may find it useful to read the others. I break goals down into steps and consider what’s needed for each step. I also consider what will motivate me to keep going. I allocate monthly tasks for the year. Each week I plan the tasks for the following week. And then each day I write out the tasks for the day. Pretty simple but effective. Stuff gets done. And that stuff is meaningful because its specifically moving me towards my goals which are based on my values.


11 févr. 2019

Hi Sharon,

For the first time ever, I have written a set of 5 year goals for myself and our family (not quite as creative as the vision board with pictures). Im excited for the future development but felt a bit stuck as to how to put these goals into practice (i assumed that miraculously, they would happen on their own!). Thanks for your tips on choosing a few goals to work on each year - brilliant. Feels more manageable that way. Appreciate the insight and direction.

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